Android is one of the latest trends in the present day technology. According to the survey almost 46.3% users in the world are almost using the Android Operating system. Google has done best job for making the Android as best operating system. Still now there exist different versions in Android. Every update will add some feature in the Android OS

Features of Android 5.0 Lime Pie :
  • Fast Performance on ( Considering Low-end Phones) : Now a days almost all the phones are giving an opportunity to have an Android OS in them. Even though if mobile phones are given opportunity to have an android in their phones but they fail to operate quickly and smoothly. So to expect faster performance on this Version is best feature.
  • Bright User Interface :  Still now we are experiencing a Dark user interface. iPhone and Symbian are light colored User interface(UI).If light colored user interface comes to the Android it looks beautiful and also helps in increasing the Android market.
  • Gaming Centre : Gaming center means a stage where all the gamers meet and challenge others and acquires prizes.
  • Google’s Own Music Store: Android users are forced to download a new app for buying a music.The entire process is time consuming process. Instead if google comes with new and its own music store it will be beautiful and also reduces burden on Android user.
  • Maintaining according to the profiles : This feature may not come but it’s a chance in the next higher versions. Considering example if you and your family members are using Android smartphone. If different members wants to have a different home screens and different widgets. So there is a chance of getting this feature in the next upcoming Version not exactly at that time of Lime Pie.

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